

探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, 并创建一个主要的经验,快速启动你的未来使用 运动机能学专业指南.

作为一名运动机能学专业的学生,你将学习人体运动的科学基础. 你会探索生理上的, mechanical and psychological principles and theories that relate to fitness and the human body — but you won’t stop there. 你将为班级项目创建健身计划和设计康复计划.

当你毕业时, 你将为成为一名运动教练做好准备, 体育经理, 体育教师, 或者是教练. Many of our alumni go on to pursue a doctorate of Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy. St. 爱德华大学招收学生 在进行职前培训跟踪 确保你为读研做好准备.


运动机能学专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从圣. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 加州圣拉蒙雪佛龙公司的健康推广专家.
  • 康涅狄格太阳WNBA球队的客户经理
  • 奥斯汀一所天主教学校的体育主管,学前班-八年级
  • KIPP德州公立学校研究生助教
  • 奥斯汀西顿医疗家庭的康复服务技术员
  • 一家医疗器械公司的销售经理
  • 堪萨斯大学医学中心物理治疗专业的学生


"在我的特殊人群运动机能学课程中, we had to accumulate 10 hours of service working directly with people with special needs. I chose to get involved with the Greater Opportunities Project, or GO Project, at St. 埃德的, which helps young adults with special needs develop independent living skills and prepare for adult life. I worked one-on-one with these students on various sport-specific skills once a week. Witnessing their genuine happiness over the smallest things in life was incredibly rewarding, 特别是因为整个社会有时会忘记这样做.” ——jasmine Adgerson, 21岁运动机能学专业


除了你严谨的运动机能学课程, 你将有很多机会在这个领域获得实践经验.


Your classes will teach you about applications of kinesiology in different settings and help you discover more career options. 例如:

在录制, 用绷带包扎, 及急救, 你将在一名警官的监督下完成200小时的服务. 爱德华的运动教练.

在安全和急救方面, you’ll complete important training you can use in your career and in any emergency situation.

In 特殊人群的身体活动、娱乐和运动, you’ll work one-on-one with a person or people with special needs in a physically active setting. 例如, 学生们参与了GO项目和Austin adventers项目, organizations that help young adults with special needs develop independent living skills.


Learn about professional opportunities and meet students who share your interests through the Physical Therapy Organization.

许多运动机能学的学生也参与其中 娱乐与健康 项目.


Certified athletic trainer and an instructor in the 运动机能学 program Andi Chambers introduces students to a subject that she's passionate about in her Spring 2020 course: athletic training and sports medicine.