Richard Bautch is Professor of Humanities, and in his courses students explore ancient texts and the religious systems associated with them. With an interest in hermeneutics, Professor Bautch encourages his students to apply insights from the past to today's significant social questions.

Focal topics in Professor Bautch's teaching and research include kinship and the formation of community identity, 创伤与和解, and the development of literary collections in antiquity. He is the author of numerous journal articles and five books, most recently Covenant in the Persian Period: From Genesis to Chronicles (2015). Professor Bautch founded the university's 犹太研究 minor, and he has served as chair of the Department of Religious and Theological Studies. He is currently Associate Dean in the School of Humanities, and he also directs the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies, a professional organization for academics.


Ph.D. (Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity), The University of Notre Dame

M.A. (Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity), The University of Notre Dame 

M.Div. Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley 

M.A. (英国文学) Loyola University of Chicago

B.A. (Journalism) Marquette University